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humble1 Asked July 2019

Can my sister put me and my mom out of the home her and my mom own?

I have been taking care of my mom in her home that she is part owner of with my eldest sister. My sister wants to put us out of the home.

She and her daugther are attempting to put her and her daugther's name on the house. I have no income since I have been my mom's caregiver. They do not assist me with her care. I have been looking for at home jobs but no luck. Being my mom's caregiver has caused more heartbreak. My savings are gone during these 3 years. No one is her POA. It's 4 siblings. The eldest wants to be in charge but she was not doing a good job in taking care of my mother. The second eldest is not involved with me and the third eldest stays in another state and comes as much as she can and assists me with money for my basic needs.

AlvaDeer Jul 2019
Who is the "us" in put us out of the home? Whose name is on the home? If the sister can get herself appointed as guardian and POA for your mother then, yes, she can sell the mother's home for costs of mother's care in assisted living. You may want now to apply for POA as YOU are the one caring for your mother. RUN, don't walk, to the nearest Elder Care Attorney and get guardianship over your mother. If your Mother is able to understand, and not suffering from Dementia, she can appoint you as her POA. Then the Sisters can do nothing to hard you and you can stay with your mother as long as you are able to care for her. Do understand, if this sister is able to get POA she can remove you and hire care for the Mother. She will have power over what happens to all finances. IF that happens, I think that you need to be prepared, as you will be homeless. Do know that you have a SKILL. You have been caring for your Mom for years. There are people out there who would hire you for help with hourly wages while they take respite, shop, go to work, or whatever. But this is going to take thinking and planning. I am sorry to tell you that a Lawyer is costly. Perhaps go to any agency in your town that deals with Elder Care as some have attorneys working at low cost. Jewish community centers usually have good information. Try to get information from Meals on Wheels folks, from Churchs. Just call everywhere and get all the help numbers you can.

mollymoose Jul 2019
Does your family feel it’s time for Mom to go in a nursing home? Because I don’t know how they can just kick her out of her own home. Are you afraid of her going into a nursing home & you ending up homeless? If she’s on Medicaid, or will be applying for Medicaid, rules will determine what can be done with the home.


JoAnn29 Jul 2019
Doubt if ur sister can have Mom removed from the deed. Mom would have to sign her half over. You don't say Mom has Dementia, if she does, she then can't turn it over. If Mom has no Dementia u need her to assign u at least medical POA. Financial would be good too. Tell her its for her own protection. Since this has been Moms primary residence and yours too, sister would have to evict you. You then go to court and prove that Mom is on the deed, that she is elderly and u have been caring for her. (By taking Mom the judge actually sees her). I doubt if any Judge would allow an eviction. Especially since Mom owns half the house.I

I had POA because I lived in same town as Mom. Brother lived 8 hrs away. Other didn't care. I would and will never care for someone who I do not have POA for. I will not have someone else making the decisions when I am doing it all.

I really don't think ur sister has a leg to stand on. My brother inherited Moms house but didn't want it. So, we had to get a lawyer to draw up papers saying John was relinquishing his inheritance back to the estate. I know its not exactly the same thing but I don't think ur Sister can just walk into a lawyers office and say she wants Mom taken off the deed.

I suggest you call Office of Aging and ask them the phone number of Legal Aide. You can then find out ur rights. Also, if push comes to shove, call Adult protection services.

I really don't understand why family would feel justified is making another family member homeless. How did ur mother raise these people to be so heartless. You read on this forum all the time where things like this happen. I wish I had had more help. But, I was left to make the decisions and I wasn't told I made the wrong one.

Good Luck and stand up for ur rights.

gladimhere Jul 2019
Humble, what are mom's health issues?

How old is she?

How old are you?

What brought you to live with mom?

Is mom incapacitated?

Countrymouse Jul 2019
Humble, I'm really sorry you're going through this. I can understand how frightening and upsetting it must feel.

I can also understand that when you have cared for your mother for three years, spent all your savings, and have no income and nowhere else to go; it seems downright cruel that your family just seem to want to get rid of you.

But I doubt if that's the whole story.

There are two important things:

1. Your mother. What are her care needs, and what does the whole family (especially your mother) want to do to make sure they are met?

2. If you weren't trapped at home caring for your mother, what would you do instead?


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