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Judysai422 Asked July 2019

93 yr old mom in hospital due to UTI. They did not provide her exelon patch! Anyone know why?

I am out of the country on what was supposed to be a vacation. My 94 year old dad is dealing with this in person, me by phone. Anyone know why the hospital told my dad he had to provide the Exelon patch?

AlvaDeer Jul 2019
Speak with his nurse or his doctor to see what was really said. Who is in charge while you are away? Have them check on that.

JoAnn29 Jul 2019
I read that Dad has a Dementia? Is there no one else who can talk to the doctor's for him while ur away? Even in Moms early stages, I had to be there when she went to the doctors. She never absorbed everything they said. Are ur conversations between u and Dad or are u talking to a staff member? I looked up the patch and I see no problem in a doctor there being able to prescribe it. Hospitals have Pharmaceutical suppliers that, if in stock, could have the patch in the hospital within 24 hrs. (Depends when its ordered. I worked for such a place) Plus I have never heard of a hospital allowing a person to bring in their own meds.


BarbBrooklyn Jul 2019
A doctor has to write a script for it.
It may not be part of the hospital formulary.

Call the nursing station on the unit and find out what the issue is.

JenniferLeigh Jul 2019
Could it be something as simple as that the hospital pharmacy just does not have any in stock?


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