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Hawaiianglo Asked July 2019

How to stop dad from scratching and re-opening any of his wounds?

Dad has Parkinsons on the verge of stage 5 I believe so his mobility is limited. Whether he is sitting watching tv or in his bed, he will scratch any and all scabs he may have, on any part of his body he can still reach with his good arm/hand. It's like a tick or something. Just sits there and picks at them. He has one scab on the back of his ear that he's been picking for a year now so it never is able to heal properly. I'm on the verge of putting mittens on him so he can't scratch himself but don't want to emasculate him even further (wears diapers, have to use bed pads for incontinence etc). The last time he saw a therapist for a "review" by the VA, when he could still speak, doctor asked him if he was depressed and my dad replied "I'm wearing diapers, what do you think?" I know one of these days, something is going to get infected if I can't get him to stop.

Any tips would be appreciated.

Much aloha!

Isthisrealyreal Jul 2019
Have you tried colloidal silver? This will help keep infections from getting started and heal the wound.

Just spray it on several times a day and then i would apply vaseline or something else that will help it from drying out and being such a noticeable scab.

I had to laugh at his response, he is obviously clever. This must be just awful for him and your are awesome for considering his manly feelings. Mittens would be degrading.

Can you tell him when you catch him to stop picking. Sometimes it becomes an unconscious activity.
Hawaiianglo Jul 2019
I have not heard of using colloidal silver but will look into it! And yes, my dad had quite the wit/humor/sarcasm so I know it has to be frustrating that he can no longer communicate with us. I do tell him when I see him picking to stop it. He stops for one minute and then continues to pick at the scab. Ugh.

Thanks for your input. I see you reaching out to folks on here a lot. Thanks for having a helping heart!
Glo :)
anonymous930694 Jul 2019

My dad kept pulling out his catheter and one of the nurses put oven mitts on him, then we used Velcro straps to tighten them, then used duct tape to cover the Velcro to make it harder to work off.

It was not 100% but it slowed him down.
Hawaiianglo Jul 2019
Aloha! That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to start with those rubber finger condoms (used by secretaries for filing) and if that doesnt work, I will go full on with the mittens.
Much Mahalos!


Angelika1947 Jul 2019
Repeated opening up any wound is a good way to get an infection. I'm not sure how good these are, but what do you think about liquid band aids? Say hi to dad!
Hawaiianglo Jul 2019
I could try that but I'm sure he will still pick at those. Thanks for the tip!
Segoline Jul 2019
Sarna lotion.
NancyInSc Jul 2019
Great stuff. My 94-year old mom uses it.


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