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Icaremom Asked July 2019

I want to put a video camera in mom's room, due to current health issues and staff issues. Can I legally?

Because mom reported an employee to state, and she is suddenly bedfast due to surgery, I am afraid not receiving proper care. Also has dementia creeping in and heart trouble.

freqflyer Jul 2019
Icaremom, I can understand you want to find out what type of care your Mom is getting. And to see if maybe Mom's dementia is at the stage of story-telling.

Check the admission papers to see what the facility says about cameras. Due to the fact that the camera could be recording private moments such as Mom having her clothes changed, or diapers changed, that could be unnerving if Mom found out.

And unfortunately there has been cases of such cameras being hacked by outsiders [this has happened to baby monitors] where others can see/hear what is going on.

worriedinCali Jul 2019
Your profile says you are in Texas, if your mom is also in Texas then yes it is legal BUT you must notify the facility, get written consent from her roommate if she has one and and there has to be a conspicuous note posted in the room saying that the room is under video surveillance.


Ahmijoy Jul 2019
Check with the administration of the facility. I believe if you do put a camera in there, you will have to post a sign saying there’s a camera in use.


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