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ineedsupport32 Asked August 2019

Non stop talking for a couple of days. What can I do?

My grandma has not stopped talking. She is all agitated, her conversations consists of death, rape, hate, and sadness. She sounds like a record box. She repeats the same words, sentences over and over again and sometimes breaks crying and then repeats again. I can't find her peace even when I do what she requests. She jumps from one conversation to another. She recently got diagnosed with shingles and besides her medication for the virus she was given oxycodone for pain. These past two days she has talked too much her mouth dries out. Her PCP has prescribed quetiapine for agitation before bedtime. 1st night it worked right away and she fell asleep but last night she kept going and it looks like tonight will be another tough one for me. Any one with similar experiences? What can I do to make her feel better? I wont give her the quetiapine.

Countrymouse Aug 2019
Call her PCP again. If you can't, or the PCP won't help, take your grandmother to the ER.

Shingles can have very nasty complications. Oxycodone can have side effects which are very frightening for the patient. Just those two things alone mean that your grandmother's symptoms need to be thoroughly investigated.

But speaking of drugs: if you aren't happy to give a medication that a doctor has prescribed, don't ever just not give it - TELL the doctor.

MargaretMcKen Aug 2019
Shingles can be horrible, but it sounds as though something else is wrong too. Yes, get her to a doctor.


LoopyLoo Aug 2019
Call her doctor ASAP or take her to the ER. This isn’t normal.


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