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DePopa Asked August 2019

I need help with a couple of abbreviations.

I have printed Aging Care's list of common abbreviations (thanks so much to the administrator!) but in following Shell's thread regarding her dying mother, I found a couple not on the list.
What are the meanings of Tx and GERD?

In context: "I don't want to force her to get Tx." Perhaps a typo for Dx (diagnosis) since her mother was refusing medical care?
"She suffered from GERD and acid reflux."

DePopa Aug 2019
What a great bunch you are! Thanks for the quick replies. :-)

SofiaAmirpoor Aug 2019
In this context, tx means treatment or therapy.

GERD is gastric Esophogeal Reflux Disease, which is kind of like heartburn, but chronic and more severe.


Geaton777 Aug 2019
TY :-)

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2019
Tx generally means therapy or therapeutic intervention.

AlvaDeer Aug 2019
Tx can be transfer. Would that fit in the thread?
GERD is gastric Esophogeal Reflux Disease more commonly known as "heartburn" it is the gastric juices backing up in the tube. People take it much too lightly. It can come from many causes including valves that are not properly closing anymore allowing the backflow. Problem with this constant irritation is that it can lead to esophogeal cancers. I would also ask those suffering to be certain stool test done for H Pylori as it can cause gastric cancers.
Someone else may know more about the Tx. Usually means transfer as to another facility but also can mean TREATMENT. In medical world it is DX for diagnosis and TX for treatment.
I have huge problems with the abbreviations. I thought DH was divorced husband. Apparently it CAN be but can also be Darling Husband. I am too old for the abbreviations.


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