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Girlsaylor Asked August 2019

Medicare coverage for diabetic with ingrown toenail?

I know Medicare doesn’t cover podiatry as a general rule. If a person has ingrown pincer toenails, will Medicare cover podiatrist if the person is prediabetic? Anybody have experience with this situation? Not infected yet, but they are getting painful.


Girlsaylor Aug 2019
Thank you all for the thoughtful responses. I was maybe misinformed that routine pediatric care is not the same as care for chronic ingrown toenails.
I shall be sure the podiatrist I schedule an appointment with accepts Medicare. All good information to know.
best to all!

mollymoose Aug 2019
My mom is on Medicare in the nursing home & they DID pay for a podiatrist to come & take care of the nail. This was just last month. She is not a diabetic.


97yroldmom Aug 2019
So sorry OP if I gave more information than you were looking for. Foolish me. Just trying to be helpful.
pre Diabetic. Ingrown toenail. I bet you are looking for a good shoe that allows you to stay mobil.
Not all podiatrist carry the same shoes. Some don’t carry them at all. None I’ve seen are very fashionable but when your feet hurt, life is not as sweet.
Good luck with the podiatrist of your choice and hopefully you can get walking and beat that pre diabetis back.
Good Day to you all.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2019
The question is about podiatric care, not footwear.

97yroldmom Aug 2019
Medicare will pay for footwear for diabetics that is prescribed by a podiatrist.

Medicare wouldn’t pay for footwear for someone with bunions (as an example) unless that person also had diabetes.

That’s my understanding.
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2019
Yes, but those shoes are expensive and they are made so cheaply that they need to be replaced more frequently than Medicare pays for. My dad bought sketchers and had less pain and better luck than with 350 buck shoes from the podiatrist. Just a heads up.
BarbBrooklyn Aug 2019
Medicare covers my podiatry visits for chronic ingrown toenails. I am not diabetic.

Medicare does not cover ROUTINE podiatric care.
JoAnn29 Aug 2019
Confused. What do u mean routine? Mom went every 10 weeks to have her nails cut even before the ingrown nail. All covered by Medicare.
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2019
Actually being a diabetic gets you more frequent visits to the podiatrist.

Ask your podiatrist if they accept Medicare and if not can they recommend someone that does.

JoAnn29 Aug 2019
Medicare does cover a Podiatrist. My Mom went ever 10 weeks for the dr. to cut her toenails. She had an ingrown nail. I don't think being a diabetic has anything to do with it. The dr. does have to except Medicare.


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