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Caregiver2all Asked August 2019

Does anyone have any information on what to expect of a 92 year old man with end stage CLL who opted out of treatment?

He is at home under Hospice Care. Just don't know what to expect. I have asked Hospice and they just say one day at a time. He has no appetite, loss of weight, sleeps 12 hours each night and on and off during the day. Excessive sweating, sometimes short of breath but is in very little pain. I am trying my best to keep him at home and comfortable but am worried as to what is going to happen as it progresses. Any input is appreciated. Thank you

AlvaDeer Aug 2019
Let hospice be your guide. They are very good at what they do under best circumstance; they will be your guide in pain relief medications as well. Wishing you the best of luck. Speak with absolute frankness with hospice personnel. I wish you the best, and hoping this goes well for your father.
Caregiver2all Aug 2019
Thank you
cwillie Aug 2019
That is a question to put to his doctors and Hospice providers, let them know you want them to be explicit so you understand what you are in for. Sometimes having the assurance that your hospice nurse is available to answer questions as they come up can be a big relief.
I've found a website that may be helpful:
Caregiver2all Aug 2019
Thank you.



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