Be very careful in dealing with these creditors. These are not your bills or debts. Do not make any commitments of personal responsibility for these bills. If you’re dealing with collection agencies they will try scare tactics to get you to use your money.
I so agree. Know that any payment YOU might make in the interests of not having Mom get in trouble can come back to bite you, so as Windyridge says, keep these as your Mom's bills. They can ruin her credit, but it is very unlikely that your Mom will again have any NEED of credit in her life. They will threaten and do basically anything to frighten you. While I don't subscribe to his faith, or sometimes his overall attitude, Dave Ramsey is very good to listen to on the radio when folk call in asking about bill collectors and such. I haven't listened in a long while, but assume he is still about somewhere. When your Mom passes it will be the time to deal with her estate, what if any is left, what if any creditors are waiting like crocs in the waters.
As though you were her. Who are the creditors? If they're companies or financial services, they should have contact details for their finance/credit control/payments departments online, or on any bills they send her; you get in touch with them and explain the situation.
How big a can of worms are you having to deal with, here? And what sort of creditors are they?
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Be very careful in dealing with these creditors. These are not your bills or debts. Do not make any commitments of personal responsibility for these bills. If you’re dealing with collection agencies they will try scare tactics to get you to use your money.
When your Mom passes it will be the time to deal with her estate, what if any is left, what if any creditors are waiting like crocs in the waters.
How big a can of worms are you having to deal with, here? And what sort of creditors are they?