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Tatarek Asked August 2019

Is there a market for 2nd hand home lifts?

My father has recently passed away and the Stiltz lift we had installed is now an unwanted addition we will have to remove before sale of his house. Is there a way of finding people this might be of use to? It is in immaculate condition and a very neat solution in comparison to the more common stair lifts.

Silverspring Aug 2019
Is this the stilz elevator? I think there is a market for that but when I was thinking of putting one in, I was planning to leave it when I sold my home. I would imagine it will cost quite a bit to remove it and repair the ceilings, etc.
Tatarek Aug 2019
Hi, yes it is a Stilz, and it will cost to remove it, but the buyers don't want it so not a lot of choice, guess it matters how well tucked away it is as to whether its a problem, ours goes into a bedroom.
Tatarek Aug 2019
Thanks for that, not looking to get a lot for it, but would like to cover the cost of getting it out if possible.


Ahmijoy Aug 2019
There is a market, but if you do sell it, make sure it’s reasonably priced. I’ve researched lifts on Facebook Marketplace and a lot of the Durable medical equipment is overpriced so it doesn’t sell. If you get no response, you might want to check with your local VA agency to see if you could donate it to a Veteran.

MargaretMcKen Aug 2019
Put it on Ebay if it’s easy to transport, or Market Place if you need a local buyer. Or try small ads at somewhere local – eg a supermarket if they have a small ads board. Or talk to local churches, where they might know of someone in the (ageing) congregation who needs one. Or even local even care agencies! You may need to do the work of finding out how to remove it, and the cost to remove and re-install - many of the potential buyers may not be able to organise it.


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