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QUESTIONMYSELF Asked September 2019

Is my mother having dementia if the Dr. has run every test, but she does deny and lies to me so much I can't tell?

lilhelp Sep 2019
Go with mom to the Dr.  Take notes of your observations, which you can slip to Drs/nurses in confidence so they'll check.  If she balks, gets mad or won't allow you to be there, ask her to add your name, contact info to the medical forms for Emergency purposes (*wink*).  Then, call the Dr's ofc, speak to a nurse, and give them your list of concerns that substantiate your observations of possible dementia and request closer examination.

Make sure mom has your name, contact info on all Drs.' forms so they are allowed legally to talk to you re: her condition, Rxs, care.  If needed, tell mom it's for her protection and emergencies in case Dr. needs to contact mom and can't reach her (again *wink*). 

When someone has dementia, you have to learn to be "creative" to get the info you need to help them, and to tell them new rules. 

AlvaDeer Sep 2019
I am not certain I understand. You say your Mom's doctor has run every test.Are you saying that Mom has PASSED every test? Because if so, she may be doing a bit of manipulation of you. The tests are not easy to pass. In fact as a nurse 20 years ago I would tell the neurologists "You better never give ME that 'name the last three presidents backwards' thing. I would flunk in a second".
Give us a few more details if you are able.
Do you live with your Mom? Care for her?


Geaton777 Sep 2019
Many on this forum can totally relate to your struggle. You are young and caregiving is a huge undertaking. It would help if you could provide a little more information though...

How old is your mom?
Are you saying you've gone with her to the doc and her cognative tests don't indicate dementia, yet she shows symptoms?
Are you saying your mom is telling you she went to the doctor by herself and that she "passed" the cognitive tests, but you believe she's not being honest with you?

Thought: Urinary Tract Infections are extremely common in elderly females and often the symptoms are not recognized by the sufferer. Untreated UTIs can also cause mental symptoms, like delusions, confusion, forgetfulness, etc. They can be easily treated with antibiotics and your mom's symptoms will disappear. The first thing you should do is go with your mom and have her checked for a UTI. Then, while you are there with her, pass the doc a private note and ask him/her to do a cognitive test. They will do it, they do it all the time discretely for family members. This will help you understand what it going on with her.

Really important question: has your mom given you Durable Power of Attorney so that you can legally be her medical and financial helper? If you are going to be providing any caregiving to her if she does have some dementia, then you will definitely need this authority. You can get the correct documents for your state online like at or other sites, or you can search for an attorney who specializes in elder law and estate planning. Peace to you!


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