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Maxwell12 Asked September 2019

I will be moving my sister from Illinois to Iowa. She is a diabetic, dialysis patient and wheelchair bound. Is there a transport service?

This drive will be a 3 1/24 hour drive. Is there a service that will transport someone in my sister’s health from Illinois to Iowa?

OldSailor Sep 2019
I can tell you that there are medical transport companies that do long runs.
EX.: When BIL died my Sis was transported from rockford to Sterling for the services. This included medical personnel for at least respiratory therapists.
This was done about 9 years ago. Things may have changed since then.
Good luck

JuliaRose Sep 2019
Yes, there are medical transports. Some specialize in long distance travel. Search for Ambulet services. Good luck.


rocketjcat Sep 2019
You probably do not need an ambulance, as long as she is healthy enough to make a 4 hour trip without medical intervention. A transport company will probably suffice. They accommodate wheelchairs and have lifts and locking devises. Moms N.H. has transport vans coming and going constantly to take residents to dialysis and appts. Call a good local nursing home and ask for their recommendations of which companies they use, then check them out. They will allow a person to ride along if needed. Get ready for sticker shock, but less than an ambulance c

anonymous272157 Sep 2019
My aunt was transported from the hospital to the NH by ambulance.  No way could I transfer her into a vehicle and out.  The ride was an hour and 1/2 .  Insurance did pay, but I don't know if it would in your case.  If she is in a facility now, ask the social worker.


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