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Hollyhock Asked September 2019

One of the overnight caregivers brought bed bugs into my home. Can I be sued by the other caregivers?

AlvaDeer Sep 2019
Oh, Lordy, what a nightmare. Early radication is the answer. I had neighbors next door do an airbnb rental when they were in Europe and came home to them. Two treatments. Pretty awful. Update us when they are gone (or we aren't coming over for tea). As to other caregivers, they need to be told ASAP

Katiekate Sep 2019
You need to warn them for sure.

there was a couple of court cases in NJ and NY a couple years back. The up shot of those cases was that 1) given that anyone anywhere could pick up a bedbug...(one case in NY a woman pickup one on her coat in the subway!), 2) there is no effect way to predict where to avoid (even Neiman Markus had them in their store!) So..being impossible to absolutely determine where they came falls completely on the home owner to deal with this.
basically...since proof will never be possible, and there is no fault in accidentally picking them up....being sued will not succeeed. Of course, anyone can sue anyone...but the case would be dismissed.

as for the other help....yes, warn them. But you are going to need lots of help to get rid of the bugs. Get a certified bug removal company to come out and explain the won't be fun.

also..warn the agency that sent her that you have reason to believe she might be the source



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