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Djlegend Asked September 2019

What do you do when your mom's 92 and she won't stop picking her nose till it bleeds?

 I've been taking care of my mom for 6 years.

lealonnie1 Sep 2019
I've been to the ER 4x already for massive nose bleeds for my then 90-91 year old mother who was on blood thinners. The doctor said the bleeds were due to the blood thinners, and they actually photographed a clot to pin on the nurse's bulletin board, that's how TREMENDOUS it was. The RN said he'd never seen such a big clot in his 25+ years on the job. So, off the blood thinners she went, and proceeded to have 2 more massive nose bleeds AND a stroke. She's still alive and almost 93 now. She swears up, down and around she does not pick her nose, so who nose (yuck yuck). Nothing funny here at all, I know that........just couldn't resist. Turns out her mother, my grandmother, had these same types of massive nosebleeds that landed her in the ER as well!! My cousin told me that story when I was telling her about taking mother to the ER, yet again, for another bloody ordeal. It may be a genetic thing, I don't know.

I feel your pain.

97yroldmom Sep 2019
Try CBD oil. Works for my aunt (92-dementia).
1 drop under the tounge daily is what she takes.
Her poor nose and earlobes were a mess for about three years with the constant picking
All clear now.
I can’t imagine being on blood thinners and picking.


freqflyer Sep 2019
Djlegend, just curious if your Mom has any allergies that is making her nose feel like it is blocked? Anyway, make sure her fingernails are cut short to help her from breaking the skin inside her nose.

Tolliug Sep 2019
Hi my mom is 89 and she picks her nose as well. She is on blood thinners and we have been to the ER twice and once they had to get an ENT to cauterize her nose. Neither the doctor nor I can get through to her and she continues to do it. It is so frustrating when I see the bloody tissues and the blood on her hands. She still lives alone so I don’t know exactly how often she is doing this but it seems to be quite frequent. She denies picking, and says it bleeds when she blows but I have seen her too many times. I really don’t think there is anything I can do to stop her at this point. It’s a bad habit and at her age I don’t think it will stop I just hope we don’t wind up at the ER for a nose bleed again. Sorry I don’t have a solution for you but wanted you to know you are not alone with this issue. Good luck and hopefully someone else may have some good advice for both of us.


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