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Rparis Asked September 2019

Can I get paid to care for my parents? They make $100 too much to qualify for Medicaid.

Not enough disability to qualify with VA.

freqflyer Sep 2019
Rparis, the vast majority of us grown children do not get paid for taking care of our parent(s). Those that do, their parents are paying the grown child from their own retirement fund. One would need to draw up an Employment Agreement.

Check with your local agency on aging and see what programs are available to help your parents.

worriedinCali Sep 2019
they would have to pay you themselves. In order to be paid through a state program, they have to be on medicaid. Have they applied for VA aid & attendance?


mstrbill Sep 2019
If they need long term care, there is always a way for them to qualify for Medicaid. I would suggest you consult an Elder Law attorney to have their income structured.


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