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ssnow04 Asked September 2019

My mom was just approved for long term care in her Rehab facility. How do I now bring her home and continue Medicaid benefits at home?

She is now in a better condition after breaking her hip, that I can take care of her. Not to mention her whole social security is going to facility and before her injury, we shared an apartment together so I counted on her SS to help. Does the rehab facility change the paperwork for Medicaid to pay for home care? Does anyone have experience and know how much to expect from Medicaid once she gets home. I was told that they do not pay my mom or even myself, as her caregiver, but they pay the people who come in to assist. Do those people have to be approved licensed caregivers, or how do I find that help and how can I assure they are paid by Medicaid? I know a lot of questions...I'm sure someone has had similar experience.

anonymous839718 Sep 2019
Call your local Medicaid office. They will give you the information for your state>
ssnow04 Sep 2019
Thank you. I will consult with them. :)
NYDaughterInLaw Sep 2019
Country is absolutely right. Leave your mother where she is and find yourself a roommate to share the expenses of the apartment. Your mother is not going to live forever. How are you going to afford the apartment after she dies?


Countrymouse Sep 2019
Um. I've read your profile, and I'm sorry for the experience that you and your mother have been through with her other children, and I appreciate that you're standing by your mother and taking the best care of her you can.

There's a "but" coming.

Your mother has advanced dementia. She has already broken her hip, presumably through a fall at her home, was that? She is now doing well in rehab and she has been approved for long term care in a facility.

The - how did somebody put it just the other day - the gnat in the tea is that you are quite open about the main reason for wanting your mother to live at home with you instead of in the facility, and that reason is not an acceptable one. It is so that you can continue to live in your apartment which you cannot afford unless you and your mother share its expenses. This is NOT financial abuse, I'm not accusing you of anything wrong - it's perfectly all right for your mother to pay her share of the living expenses - but it is not putting her best interests first, either.

Take your own wish to stay in this apartment completely off the table, and figure it out again. Would it still be best for your mother to live there, with you as her primary caretaker and with whatever support Medicaid will pay for?

You already have one good option ready for her, and the funding sorted out. Unless you are absolutely certain that you can do better for her than that, it would be safer for her and better for you if you plan instead to move yourself to a more affordable place where you can still visit her regularly, and hand the primary burden of care over to professional hands.
ssnow04 Sep 2019
Her fall was at the senior center. I watch her like a hawk when she is with me. I can afford the place but there is little left for anything else. I know she constantly wants to come home and is depressed there. She keeps forgetting why she is there....breaking her hip.
ssnow04 Sep 2019
Thanks for your quick answer. I was using a Medicaid specialist to get her approved but he is not very responsive, now that she is approved. She has not been approved for Home Based Care. I don't know if I need to get her approved before removing her from facility or vice versa. How do I get ahold of a MCO for Medicaid. Just call the Medicaid main number? I am her guardian so I should be able to do this on the phone, possibly?

I work with CDPHP. I know A lot of inns and outs almost everyone does not want you to know! I also own my own private home healthcare company so please feel free to contact me anytime I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and also helping with the transition and definitely is the financial burden as well and being support to you as well thank you and hopefully this helps somewhat
ssnow04 Sep 2019
Are you in Florida? It might make a difference. I know the rules are different with the different states. Either way, I'll take all the help I can get. Thanks!
ACS429 Sep 2019
Have you contacted your MCO with Medicaid? They may be able to transfer her coverage from NH to Home Care... Has she been approved for Home Based Care?
ssnow04 Sep 2019
Oops, I meant to write this to you instead of positing this.....Thanks for your quick answer. I was using a Medicaid specialist to get her approved but he is not very responsive, now that she is approved. She has not been approved for Home Based Care. I don't know if I need to get her approved before removing her from facility or vice versa. How do I get ahold of a MCO for Medicaid. Just call the Medicaid main number? I am her guardian so I should be able to do this on the phone, possibly?


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