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Granddaughter4 Asked September 2019

What would cause weakness in limbs after waking?

My grandfather wakes up and has weakness in limbs, motor skills and speech are affected. After a few hours, he seems to warm up and is fine. But once he sleeps and wakes again, back to square one. His memory is also affected. Hospital ruled out any stroke or brain damage on scans and he was already treated for a UTI. He is blind as well.

freqflyer Sep 2019
Granddaughter, has your Grandfather been to his primary doctor to ask that question?

Could you give us more information about your Grandfather, such as his age, and what medical issues he might have. And how many hours at a time does he sleep?
Granddaughter4 Sep 2019
He sleeps most of the day but recently has been restless at night. He doesn't know where he's at, not sure from delirium mixed with blindness. He is 89 years old and in good health. He takes blood pressure medicine and his kidneys are functional at about 30%
This issue recently started occurring and we were told it was the UTI but that had cleared up.


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