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Mahalu54 Asked September 2019

Will an 89 year old permanent resident of the US, with no income or assets of her own be eligible for Medicaid’s “Cash & Counseling?”

She lives with her daughter who is a pensioner. The 89 year old mom, has MDS and other medical issues. She does have medical insurance through her daughter. Her daughter takes care of her 24/7.

Will she be eligible for Medicaid’s, “cash and counseling,” that allows payments for family caregivers?

Isthisrealyreal Sep 2019
Ask the Medicaid office or go online and see what the requirements are.

worriedinCali Sep 2019
Is she eligible for Medicaid? If she’s not then no, she’s not eligible for cash & counciling. No offense but if she’s never worked here then tax payers shouldn’t pay for her care. “Permanent resident” sounds like someone who migrated here, if that is the case and she’s been here less than 5 years then she’s not eligible for Medicaid.



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