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Corndoglora Asked October 2019

We have my 90 and 91 yo parents living with us. Mom has dementia and Parkinson's. I am having trouble getting her to take meds. Any advice?

Hello everyone. I am having trouble getting mom to take her meds. We have tried crushing and putting it in her favorite ice cream. Worked a couple times but now she can taste it and refuses the ice cream. Any advice?

jkm999 Oct 2019
see if you can talk to speech therapist. They also deal with swallowing issues. Sometimes a thicker or thinner delivery food is required. Also crushing pills or breaking capsules can change who the body uses them and can be a problem . Get a referral from your doctor.

Helpthyneighbor Oct 2019
I had the exact same problem with my wife. First, don't crush the pills unless it's a last resort. Crushing exposes the nasty taste that most pills have. Try changing what you're mixing the pills in. Try yogurt, applesauce, pudding, etc. A change of pace might work. And if you're giving her several pils at one time, stop and give her one at a time. Has your mother had a swallowing test? It could be her medical conditions are contributing to her not taking her meds.



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