I miss my real Mom. She is a shadow of herself, with no personality.
Everyday I pray and say to myself I'm going to have more patience and be loving and kinder and touch my mom more. But I stay the same like a robot and bring her meals dress her and mostly leave her by herself . The guilt is awful. She's hard of hearing so I have to talk loud. Which makes my chest hurt. I cannot reason with her. She's says the craziest things I've ever heard. Don't understand something she is looking straight at. It's so upsetting every day. I miss my cool beautiful Mother. She was everything I aspire to be. Now she walks around half clothed smelly and hardly talks unless it's asking for food or drink. And I stay with a chip on my shoulder as my dad would say all the time. Any suggestions would help and thank you.
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Grieve for real mom, because she is nearly as gone as if her physical body had already died. Don't feel guilty about disliking dementia mom, but realize real mom didn't choose to become dementia mom. I cannot explain how exactly, but I was able to tolerate dementia dad into the mid to advanced transition stages on a daily basis by concentrating on the "he didn't choose this" and "he needs my help". Later in the advanced stage, the emotional cost was higher than I could bear and I only visited for a couple of hours once a week after he was placed in MC.
You may be able to establish a new relationship with dementia mom, at least for a while. Maybe looking at old photographs and while Mom tells you about the people and places in them. Sing-a-longs with hymns or other songs you enjoyed together during your childhood? Having her back scratched or lotions applied? Combing her hair?
Leaving mom alone in her room too much may actually make her more aggressive tendencies worse. Consider an adult day care or bringing her into the kitchen or living room while you read or watch television (older shows watched during their adult-hoods seem to work best). Often you do not need to interact with your LO all that much just share the space.
You also need to find some methods of reducing or relieving your stress - quick ones and some with longer timeframes. Drinking a cup of coffee while you enjoy the view or peace of a deck or porch. Taking a walk around the house/yard or the block. Deep breathing or a soaking bath. Time off duty during adult day care, in home care hours or a relative giving you a break, even a respite week at a local MC. When you are less stressed, it is easier to tolerate dementia mom.
BTW: When she says the craziest thing ever, "That's nice" and "Really?" are completely appropriate responses!
You lose your proper mother and you get this nutsoid mannequin instead, and she smells, and she constantly needs things from you, and every time she falls or she cries or she turns a peculiar colour it is ALL YOUR FAULT. You've got grief, loss, guilt, stress and resentment all rolled into one, and you didn't volunteer, and it isn't fair.
Two different perspectives to try:
1. If she weren't your mother, if she were some other equally helpless little old lady who you had to take responsibility for - never mind why - for, say, the next two years, how would you want to treat her?
2. If someone else were being you and taking care of your mother, how would you want that person to behave around her?
It was the falls risk that turned me into a screeching harridan. Mother had a call button. Every time you explained that she must press it before getting up from her chair, she would solemnly nod and agree and promise for next time. Then you'd turn your back and she'd be off on her travels, tottering along to the bathroom and bouncing off the walls. Cue self leaping up and down and tearing hair and shrieking "WHY - ?" and explaining all over again; and mother had one response "oh, I didn't want to bother you."
The penny half dropped when I realised that, no, she didn't want ME bothering HER.
And then fully dropped when I realised that she did not in fact use her call button because the mental process involved was beyond her. She didn't because she couldn't.
Anyway, that's quite enough from me - are you getting any respite at all? When did you last have a decent night's sleep and some time to yourself and an ordinary social conversation with a non-demented adult?
If there is any help available to you, take advantage of it, whether it’s help through her insurance, your church, your family, friends or community. Call your local Area Agency on Aging and ask about what’s offered to you. Good luck. I understand exactly how you feel.
Just something for you to consider; even if you don't wind up getting her into Memory Care, just knowing the OPTION exists can sometimes help with resentment.
Best of luck
Take comfort that you are not alone and vent away here...
I do not blame you one bit for feeling resentful. And for not being able to muster up the patience to deal with her. Oh, the being hard of hearing is mind numbing too! It's, IMHO, very boring dealing with a person like this. You can not have a conversation and have to deal with all kinds of bizarre situations. Who signs up for something like this??
You MUST get some help and some respite care! You're burnt out and that's really bad for both of you.
Unless you can get enough help at home, I would look into having her placed somewhere. She is not your mom anymore. She is a sad and broken shell of the person she used to be. Part of what you're feeling is probably grief for what you have lost.
Since your mom is so far gone, I guess it to be quite unlikely that she realizes how hard this is on you, etc. So as long as you are providing for her basic needs, I do not think you need to indulge in feeling guilty. What you're doing is impossible!
Be kind to yourself.
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