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Myownlife Asked November 2019

Mom (94) has recently been started on donepezil / aricept. 5 mg initially, just upped to 10 mg. Now it's "something is not right." Any ideas?

Mom (lives with me) and has dementia and I am thinking of weaning and stopping the donepezil (aricept). Since her increased dose, every morning she comes out of her room crying and saying "something is just not right". I really feel the aricept is responsible. We do not know what type of dementia she has, but it seems that aricept is not the answer and I want to stop it for her. Do you just decrease to 5 again for a while (a week?) and then stop? Any ideas?

Myownlife Nov 2019
I called her NP and we are cutting it to 5 for 3 days and then stopping. Hopefully, this will eliminate these new mood/mental issues. Thanks for all your replies.

lealonnie1 Nov 2019
Aricept is generally prescribed for mild to moderate Alzheimers, but not proven to help with confusion or memory problems in any way. It also does not help with agitation, which is a big issue for most people who suffer from dementia of any kind. Stopping this medication cold turkey IS NOT RECOMMENDED as intense hallucinations can occur.

I'm not sure there IS any 'answer' for dementia, personally. My mother suffers from moderate non-specified dementia and takes NO medications for it, specifically. She is the type of person who winds up with more side effects from medications than benefits, that's for sure. One of the dozens of times were were in the ER with her, her medications were taken down by HALF and she wound up feeling better as a result.

Please call her doctor first thing and express your concerns so he can WEAN her off of this medication which is likely causing more issues than it's curing!!

Best of luck!


earlybird Nov 2019
Please call her doctor, and report her symptoms. Ordering doctor should be the one to advice you. Do not adjust her meds without doctor approval.

JoAnn29 Nov 2019
Call the doctor who prescribed it. It wouldn't be right as layman to advise you.


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