It seems to be a regular occurrence that people here are worried about how much their parent is sleeping. Yes, there are other posts regarding parents who do not sleep. But I am thinking it may be an idea to post how much our parent sleeps to help others decide if their parent is "normal".
Dad is 90, Stroke 4.5 years ago. He sleeps from 7 pm until 5 am or later every night. He also has multiple naps each day. If he has had a busy day, he naps more the next day.
Mum is 85, no health concerns, she sleeps 10 pm to 6 am, does not nap during the day, but may nod off watching TV after 8 pm. Mum is very physically active.
Mum's youngest brother 76, has napped each and every afternoon since he retired, he sleeps regular hours at night.
Her middle brother 81, does not nap, lifts weights every day, sleeps regular hours at night.
I do not worry about any of their sleep patterns. They are all healthy for their age.
So how much do your parents sleep at night? Do they nap during the day?
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My mom, 76, sleeps pretty normal, 10 PM to 8 AM ish. Sometimes nods off in the afternoon watching TV.