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davidwalker1888 Asked November 2019

Mom was taking care of me. I am mentally ill. 55 years old. Any suggestions?

We found a 20 year old will. (not a legal paper just some written up note.) my niece got all of mom's estate. After mom's death I am homeless now. Can't pay for my expenses of living now.
They got me to sign a paper saying I don't have a issue with niece getting all of mom's estate. The paperwork the sheriff wanted me to sign. I did not know I had a number of day's to contest the will. I am mentally ill and did not know how to or what to do. I was in and out of the mental hospital. They told me just to sign paperwork and it will be okay. They will take care of me and did not. But they trick me and it went to my niece. They did not tell me that I needed to talk to the judge or any kind of meeting. So by me not going it says I agree with the will. I get nothing. Like I said I was in and out of hospital and did not have my right mind to do what I needed to do. They were just making sure she go it all.
Plus I was helping mom pay bills with my disability check. We were taking care of each other. But now I am homeless.
Plus my sister was taking care of mom when I could not over the years I was gone. Sister got nothing eather. She is homeless now to. All the work and time we put into mom means nothing. And my niece never helped one time in Mom's old age. But she gets it all.
Is this fair or not.

AlvaDeer Nov 2019
I am so very sorry. You need a lawyer now. You have access through the system you access for care to a social worker. Let that person know all you told us and ask for a recommendation. Good luck. I am very sorry.

Geaton777 Nov 2019
I am so sorry for your situation. People's actions can often be unbelievably selfish and greedy. I think you need an actual attorney, and I realize that cost is a barrier for you. Have you contacted social services? Since you are nearly homeless you would probably qualify for their help/services or Section 8 housing. If you are not helped there, go to a church and let your situation be known to the pastor. They may have an attender who is a practicing attorney or they may offer to help pay for one. My small church over the years has helped many people financially who are not attenders.

I see in your profile you live is GA so hopefully someone familiar with that state will respond with resource suggestions. Also, caregivers are not paid much. If your sister cares for you full-time, that's great for you but may (and probably will) rob her own future. Please have this discussion with her. Wishing you solutions as you seek help!



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