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jatzaa Asked December 2019

How do I get long term nursing for Dad?

I need some suggestions for long term nursing.

I was taking care of my dad who is 98 years old, he got medicare and medi-cal insurances, he got admitted in hospital for minor kidney issues, and after that they sent him in short term rehab since he was fall risk and he forget things. Now the nursing home is telling me that they don't have a long term bed available and want to discharge him.

The problem is that I am the only one to take care of him and my age (75) and health is not in good shape and I am unable to take care of him.

So how I can help him get the long term nursing in place?

worriedinCali Dec 2019
The rehab will most likely send him back to the hospital if they don’t have a medi-cal bed. So let that happen. It’s the hospital that will find him a bed in a nursing home. Just keep in mind, they’ll choose the facility and he’ll be moved as soon as his bed is secure, you won’t have a say in anything. So the nursing home could be further away than you prefer.

JoAnn29 Dec 2019
Yes, do what Tothill says. Ask if they can call around for a bed somewhere else. That you cannot care for this person. If they insist, call your state Ombudsman. You can try Office of Aging.


Tothill Dec 2019
You call them back and tell them it is an unsafe discharge as you are not able to care for him. They may push back, but stand your ground and they will find a placement for him.
worriedinCali Dec 2019
They will send him back to the hospital. The rehab won’t find him a LTC bed.


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