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stressedone Asked December 2019

VA spousal support- can Fidicuary who is daughter and takes care of VA spouse get paid out of support money?

I have taken care of mom 90 yrs old thru assisted living doing all for her because of Dementia short term memory loss.

She has been in the hospital since 4 August till the end of November with C Diff intestine infection that was close to Hospice care...I am with her every day and a miracle has happened for her to finally start to get rid of this nasty bacterial she is in a Nursing home where her reabilatation has ended...the money we have is small in her account . She has been getting VA Spousal support which has grown...Now Medicaid is coming into the picture because I cannot care for her needs. She needs help to dress and to toilet and to be put into wheel chair. My question is I have not taken anything monetarily taking care of mom -before VA Spousal goes to Medicaid would I be able to get paid for care to cover expenses of gas and drs appt- cleaning- shopping the normal care..She lives in ILLinois and I do not know how they account for $2000. before Medicaid takes over nursing home cost when there are two accounts one personal and the VA...Thank you for best advise to handle the change over to Medicaid.

JoAnn29 Dec 2019
VA support will not go to Medicaid. You can't have both. The A&A will drop off because Medicaid pays more. U can't have two government entities paying for care.

No, at this point u can't ask for payment. Medicaid will not allow it. The 2k that is allowed can only be used on her same with the PNA that will be set up with a small amt money from her SS.
worriedinCali Dec 2019
The OP did not say her mom has aid & attendance though. Sounds like she has a survivors pension which she can have with medicaid.the OP is asking if VA money already accumulated can be used to reimburse herself with.
lealonnie1 Dec 2019
My mother gets VA spousal support to the tune of $1209 per month. As her Federal Fiduciary, I am not allowed to use ONE CENT of that money for myself; all of it has to go towards her living expenses in the Memory Care Assisted Living community she lives in. A VA officer comes to audit me (and to visit my mother to make sure she is where I say she is) every so often, and a full accounting of her finances must be disclosed.

If I were you, I'd contact your VA officer to ask this question before touching ANY of that money! They are extremely finicky about these matters and I'd hate to see you in any trouble as a result of paying yourself.

Good luck!
stressedone Dec 2019
Hello LeaLonnie1,
You are right. I was told by the Fidciuary officer that on her Expenses I could keep expenses for gas for multiples trips to hospital twice a day for the last four months.Then her 1st reabilatation 2 to 3 times a day because the C Diff never went away and restarted and back to the hospital. I am also over health & being a Fidciuary is more than paying bills. I am an independent worker and do not get family leave pay. We cannot say enough good for my Dads WWII service that has helped Mom & me it has been a miracle. She has dementia the short term memory I do every thing for her but had her in a Senior apartment for her to be social & most of them there had short term memory loss. I supplied her apartment & took care of her and it was the best 4 years with no worries for her...then came non - resistance C Diff. I've fought off surgeons in the emergency room wanting to cut her colon and put a bag on her. Put her on Palative care and let the disease take her. This has been a full time job where I have a full family that I care with her being 90 yrs. old she need a one person lift for bathroom plus...thanks be to God she has turned the corner and is now not contagious, She may be in a wheel chair for ever now and I will use her account and VA go for her care to be on Medicaid to take care of her. I cannot do all the lifting. Since her personal account has to go down to $2000. I will use the VA account fully 1st to pay the nursing home cost and then her account. This was the only time I thought of being reimbursed a small amount....I respect what they have done for me to keep her safe. Totally taking care of a parent is demanding but when illnesses come in it is more than a full time job.

Thank you for your reply



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