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deirdreja Asked December 2019

How do I evaluate if I've made right facility choice for my dad?

I moved my father into a skilled nursing facility about a month ago and they are not very responsive to my phone calls, questions I've asked, sticking to the care plan, maintenance requests, billing questions or most of anything we've asked, needed in the last 30 days. Luckily, he is pretty mobile, can feed himself, etc. He has dementia and some other health issues that made it dangerous for him to live on his own. I can't do anything until the Medicaid application process is complete but worry that I made the wrong choice.

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2019
Make an appointment with the DON and the social worker. Make sure you bring notes so you won’t forget anything.

Your dad deserves to be comfortable in his new home. You deserve to have peace of mind. Things are never perfect. I don’t feel you are knit picking about small issues. He deserves to have his basic needs met.

Continue to monitor what is going on. Be polite and explain your concerns. How sad that you cannot reach them on the phone. They do seem disorganized.

As far as meal delivery. They are often understaffed and things run behind.

I hope you are able to resolve this situation. Best of luck to you and your family.

bicycler Dec 2019
Deirdreja, there are good facilities and poor facilities, and even the good ones sometimes have caregiving lapses. Obviously, one often can't depend on what a resident with dementia says about the care being received, so it's best to visit frequently, daily if possible, and at different times of the day. Beyond that, you can review the facility's own nursing records for your dad and the state in which the facility is located should have inspection and complaint records available on-line that you can review. Skilled nursing facility ratings are also available on-line at ; Best wishes.


AlvaDeer Dec 2019
Are you evaluating how your Dad seems to be feeling? Is the facility clean; are the caregivers kind? Does Dad have complaints? What, specifically are you seeing lacking?
deirdreja Dec 2019
Until yesterday, my dad had only complained twice which I figured was a transition issue but then he had a very lucid moment where he told he doesn't think the right hand knows what the left is doing which I had been already thinking myself. Dinner that day was served an hour later than usual and a couple of the residents he's made friends with are leaving, he says due to issues. The first incident was when the transport they use dropped my father off at a doctor's appointment I had cancelled and he didn't know where he was or how he got there. Because he has dementia, they are supposed to hand him off to me. I can't get staff to call me back in a timely manner, even on billing issues. It's a week into the month and the December payment has not been drafted from the bank. The people seem caring, just disorganized. My father says he has only had help bathing once the entire time he's been there since Nov. 1. Now, it's possible he doesn't remember but how do I find out?
lealonnie1 Dec 2019
Demand a care conference immediately and let the DON *Director of Nursing* know of all of your concerns AND your expectations if he is to stay in this SNF. Make yourself heard and let everyone know you won't sit still for anything less than good care for your father, whom you love and will advocate for. Period.

Good luck!!


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