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Roxannadana Asked December 2019

Is there any kind of facility for someone that needs more care than an assisted living provides, but is too cognitive for memory care?

gladimhere Dec 2019
Many facilities have services that are at additional charge. Have you asked if there are the necessary services available? Otherwise sounds as if skilled nursing is the answer. Depending on the care home, they may be able to provide what she needs.

Isthisrealyreal Dec 2019
Board and care homes tend to fill that gap. I would contact your local area on aging and ask for the list of facilities or a list of placement consultants.

I would check other facilities because I found that it is not regulated and what one facility calls assisted living is entirely different from what another facility calls AL.


ArtistDaughter Dec 2019
Some families bring into the assisted living facility a nurse or care giver for a few hours a day. You might look into that.

Lvnsm1826 Dec 2019
Skilled nursing if she needs more help

Katiekate Dec 2019
What sort of “more care” do you mean? Cannot walk, feed herself?

there is a skilled nursing facility...but, not sure that is what you mean.

once you move past assisted living there usually has to be a medical condition requiring it. Most places are doctor referred.
Roxannadana Dec 2019
She cannot walk or take care of her personal needs....she can feed herself....


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