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Petite1 Asked December 2019

Help with getting glaucoma eye drops in?

Since the strokes my Mom fights with me about not letting me put her eye drops in. Does anyone have any tricks?? I don't want her going blind just because I can't get her drops in. Any ideas will be helpful. Thank you so much.

Geaton777 Dec 2019
Can you put the drops in the inside corners of her eyes while she is sleeping? Even if this doesn't succeed all the time, getting some drops in some of the time is better than never.
Petite1 Dec 2019
She rarely sleeps on her back though.
Petite1 Dec 2019
She doesn't understand what I am saying now and I cant get her out to the ophthalmologist.
We have the best relationship ever but since the strokes there are so many things she doesn't want to do or let me do. She crys all the time which is so heartbreaking.


Sweetstuff Dec 2019
Hi Petite. I give my Mom drops for glaucoma in am and pm. I drop them in the inner corners of eyes when eyes are closed. She blinks and the drops get in the eyes. The eye doctor told me this trick and I’ve been doing this way for 3 years. Results are shown in the 6 month testing which is always fine. Good luck. This made all difference for us!
Isthisrealyreal Dec 2019
Good to know, thank you for the tip.
Isthisrealyreal Dec 2019
I would try approaching from the back and tell her to look at her nose.

Having someone behind you feels less confining than the front approach and you don't see the drops coming.

Worth trying.
Petite1 Dec 2019
Thanks but she doesn't understand what I am saying now.
TNtechie Dec 2019
My dad didn't like seeing the dropper after his cataract surgery. I asked him to turn his head slightly and look to one side of the room while I placed the drop in the opposite outside corner of the eye and gravity carried the drop across the entire eye. Sometimes I also sang to him, often the do, ri, me song from Sound of Music.
Petite1 Dec 2019
Thanks but she cant follow commands now.
Countrymouse Dec 2019
It sort of depends on what it is that's upsetting her about it. Do you have any idea what she objects to now that never bothered her before?

Did the stroke affect her vision, by the way?
Petite1 Dec 2019
I don't know what it is now that upsets her. Maybe she doesn't remember doing them before.
Yes the strokes did affect her vision but she cant really communicate with me how they are affected.
needtowashhair Dec 2019
For mom, I do it either when she wakes up or when she goes to sleep. She's already lying down which makes it much easier to begin with. I do one eye at a time. As in one eye during the morning and the other eye at night. Why? Because after the first eye gets dropped, she'll lock her eyes down shut. So I have to wait to do the other eye. Nothing says you have to do both eyes at the same time.
Petite1 Dec 2019
I am supposed to be doing them 3 times a day in both eyes.
JoAnn29 Dec 2019
Here is a site telling u how to do drops and that there are side effects. Also, there is now surgery.
needtowashhair Dec 2019
If her mom won't cooperate with eye drops, I think it would be a problem for her to do so for a surgery.

Also, depending on the condition, laser surgery is easier and far less invasive. But even that requires cooperation from the patient to hold still.

Surgery alone may not alleviate the need for medication.
BarbBrooklyn Dec 2019
Petite, has your mom been diagnosed with dementia?

Have you asked her doctor if there is perhaps a calming med that could be given before you give the drops that would reduce her anxiety and agitation?

GardenArtist Dec 2019
I know it can be difficult for someone to put eye drops in her/himself, but it is easier and less drops end up outside of the eye if someone else puts them in.

Are the drops painful, or does she raise any other issues?   

The only thing I can think is to turn the process into something positive, rewarding her afterward with something she enjoys, perhaps a favorite food, or a trip somewhere.    Using reinforcement therapy may help.  

But I have no idea what the underlying issue other than discomfort, stinging of the drops, control over her body by someone else, or something of this nature.

Can she use the drops herself, or does it seem to be that she just doesn't want to use them at all?

I don't have any tricks or suggestions other than trying to find out why she doesn't want you to insert the drops, or asking her ophthalmologist or optometrist for suggestions.

I'm wondering though if she was given medicine she didn't want and to which she had reactions during or from her stroke?  Do you do a lot for her in areas in which she could "do for herself'?     What's the overall nature of your relationship?   Are there other areas in which she's refused or resented your involvement?
Petite1 Dec 2019
oooops my reply went to the top of the page. I must have put it in the wrong place.


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