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snoopy07 Asked January 2020

How to thicken liquids for dysphasia without powder made for thickening?

cwillie Jan 2020
Dysphagia 😉
It all depends on what you are thickening and how thick it needs to be, it is time consuming and consistent results are going to be harder to achieve.
Fruit/vegetable juices can be made thicker by whizzing them into smoothies (banana and avocado are both commonly used in smoothies), but be aware that they must remain thick and not able to separate or settle in order to be safe.
Soups etc of course can be thickened with flour or cornstarch.
I suppose a thin custard could be considered a beverage, perhaps slightly thinned yogurt too...

Geaton777 Jan 2020
Tapioca powder, gelatin, potato and arrowroot flour
cwillie Jan 2020
gelatin is not considered an acceptable thickener because fluids thickened with it can melt in the mouth, the same goes for frozen fluids like milkshakes or ice cream.


LivingSouth Jan 2020
You could add some protein powder or cornstarch I suppose.


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