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caw1960m Asked January 2020

Should my father, who is 94 years old, get a tetanus shot?

needtowashhair Jan 2020
Yes. Yes he should if he isn't up to date. Why shouldn't he? Don't buy into that anti vaccine BS.

Geaton777 Jan 2020
I've been pressured into getting a tetanus booster. I refuse.

Tetanus bacteria are commonly present in soil, dust, and manure. The tetanus bacteria can infect a person even through a tiny scratch. But you are more likely to get tetanus through deep punctures from wounds created by nails or knives. (WebMD)

The CDC reports that tetanus is uncommon in the United States, with an average of about 30 reported cases each year.

At 94 yrs old I don't see the point. He's not stomping around in manure-filled barns with protruding nails...or is he?? The fewer shots one gets, the better, IMHO.
needtowashhair Jan 2020
The reason there are so few cases is that pretty much everyone is vaccinated. So you are pointing to the positive results due to widespread vaccination as the reason to not get vaccinated. That makes no sense. It's that type of thinking that has lead to the comeback of measles. A disease that was once effectively wiped out in the US. Due to people thinking that their kids don't need to get vaccinated since so few people got measles.


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2020
I'm curious why you ask?

Has he had an injury and it was suggested by a medical professional?

Or has it been recommended that he get a DPT booster?


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