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lcochran Asked January 2020

Why does a woman still spot blood after 10 months ago had a total hysterectomy?

Had total hysterectomty and they found my colon was wrapped around my left ovary and found a tumor with pre cancer in my right. They did a total hyst. 3 months later everything fine next month 1 day spotting. Another month goes by and nothing then 3 months spotting again. Very little now. 11 month and again here we go. Just had my hand worked on and had cancer taken out of my hand. but this is getting old. I'm so worried on what to do. I can't go back again through surgery if that's what they want. I'm just so confused and scared. Depressed I miss my son, in heaven, I am just a mixed up person in life and almost giving up.

Lymie61 Jan 2020
Consult the doctor you feel most comfortable with and trust the most. You may be worrying and bundling up your nerves unnecessarily, while I have no idea what might be going on it's just as possible this is normal and nothing to be concerned about, totally unrelated to cancer as it is that there is a tumor causing this.

I know how overwhelming and depressing major illness can be, dealing with all the stress of not knowing and then the treatment that makes you feel worse than the disease did so I say this with some experience, take someone you trust with you to the doctors appointment, don't face this alone and have lunch or do something fun and distracting first with them. Try to find positives in it all because your frame of mind truly does make a difference. I'll be thinking of you.

AlvaDeer Jan 2020
this is a question for our MD. I know you are scared, but this is not something that people on the forum can answer for you. Off to the doc you go. I's awful, I just made an appointment for myself. Hugs.


Geaton777 Jan 2020
I understand your nervousness but the best thing would be to find out what the spotting actually is before you jump to conclusions about more surgery. At least call the doctor's office or nurse's line. I would maybe mention feeling depressed to your doc. It may be that it's normal to feel that way after what you've been through. You could use some moral support...would you be willing to visit a church or place of worship? You would find caring people and support there. I think that would help. I wish you peace and serenity!


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