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asdk04 Asked January 2020

Assisted living/memory care unaffordable...where do you even start?! How can we make it affordable with quality care?

Isthisrealyreal Jan 2020
Have you checked into board and care facilities. They are AL to hospice a lot of the time and tend to be less cost prohibitive.

They don't have the same amenities as the big expensive facilities, but for my dad he wouldn't use those anyway, so why pay. He was also able to have his little dog.

freqflyer Jan 2020
askd, assisted living/memory care is expensive because of all the overhead cost. It would be difficult to decide what line items to cut back on.

Usually what gets cut first is personnel which wouldn't give the residents the quality care they would need. The other line items are pretty much set, such as the real estate property taxes for the building.... the liability insurance.... the bills for electric, heat, and water.

Food service could be cut thus offer less items on the menu, I know that would have been upsetting to my Dad if that happened as he loved the food in his memory care facility. Cut back on housekeeping? Cut back on maintenance? Then the building would start to look shabby and not inviting. My Dad had his sheets/towels replaced daily, and daily bathroom cleaning. His apartment always smelled nice and clean. Etc, etc. etc.

Maybe States can give such facilities extra funds, so that rents could be reduced. Would all of us taxpayers be in favor of that?

One thing we all need to do is teach the younger generation to save for those "rainy days" [a pair of $200 blue jeans isn't a rainy day item] as apparently they are not saving like the older generation was taught to do.


Geaton777 Jan 2020
Are you asking a broader societal question? Or are you asking this for your specific situation?
Riverdale Jan 2020
A good answer. I find it difficult when a poster poses a question with very little background. Sadly I don't think AL can become affordable. The only answer seems to be Medicaid once all resources are spent yet even then AL is not generally covered so it seems as though an individual has to enter a NH environment despite the need.
BarbBrooklyn Jan 2020
You start by calling your local Area Agency on Aging. Every county in the US has one.

Talk to a social worker about a needs assessment, about mom's resources and how to get her the care she needs.
asdk04 Jan 2020
Thank you, very helpful and good starting point.


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