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Sarahk60 Asked January 2020

Severe depression and no sleep?

My mom is severely depressed. Probably always has been, but it’s worse now. She is on Effexor (highest dose). It helps (I guess?), but she is still near tears or actually crying every single day. Not exaggerating. She saw a psychiatrist who offered to change meds, but I’m afraid to wean her off of this one, because when she misses a dose all hell breaks loose. I understand that’s why they wean people slowly, but it still makes me nervous. I don’t think it will work.

She is not sleeping at night. Not until maybe 4am. She sleeps during the day quite a bit. I’ve tried light therapy, quiet time before bed, a schedule etc. nothing work. This is making depression worse.

My sister’s friend has a parent who is severely depressed and gets electroconvulsive therapy. Is anyone familiar with this? Sounds scary, but her father has had great success with it.

I just hate to see her suffering all day, every day.

Sweetstuff Jan 2020
There are so many antidepressant meds and your Mom needs something else or something in addition to what she is currently taking. Her Dr should be able to work a med change schedule with her. No need for continued suffering. Often meds stop being effective over time and the need to change them up must occur. Best of luck with helping your Mom feel better soon. I’m sorry I don’t have knowledge or experience with ECT, however do have experience with the need to assist my Mom with her changing antidepressant meds over many years.

97yroldmom Jan 2020

Take a look at this Ted Talk


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2020
Sarah talk to the psychiatrist about weaning. They can provide an alternate calming med during the switching process. Effexor is clearly not working.

A friend had ECT and is now on Seroquel for major depression. Before that, we were all convinced she would never be able to function again.
Sarahk60 Jan 2020
Thank you! I’ll get right on that. Something has to change.
CTTN55 Jan 2020
How is this affecting you, Sarah? Do you have to stay awake until 4 a.m., also? What is the caregiving doing to you?
Sarahk60 Jan 2020
When she doesn’t sleep she is miserable. It makes the depression worse. She physically and emotionally feels sick and this affects me because I hate seeing her suffer and there’s conflict because she’s severely cranky without sleep.

And I am up half the night because she texts me all night.


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