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gnegligence Asked January 2020

ls the nursing home required to notify a family member with power of attorney of health change and/or decline in the resident?

The resident has a comfort care directive that I was not informed of and had severe dementia and had moderate dementia already diagnosed at time of intake when he signed it.

Countrymouse Jan 2020
How long has your father been resident in this nursing home?

Did you participate in his admission there? I'm just wondering how you could have been left out of the loop. What sort of POA you have might also make a difference.

Isthisrealyreal Jan 2020
So I am wondering who helped dad get into the nursing home? Usually the DPOA reads all the paperwork and either signs on behalf of or directs the resident to sign.

How often do you see your dad? I ask because it is very much like watching a baby grow. Mom doesn't notice how big he has become because she sees him everyday, but auntie who only sees him once a month notices huge changes. This could be whats happening, the changes are slow and subtle and only stand out to those that don't see them everyday.

So depending on what you are talking about, no, they wouldn't call you or yes, they would. Drastic changes would be notified, normal progression of the illness would not.


Geaton777 Jan 2020
My MIL's facility calls me for every little thing (here in MN) as I want them to. I'm shocked if your dad's place isn't doing that. Call and talk to their admin to clarify that you want to be informed of everything. It seems they are not reading their own internal information about their residents...this may be an indication that it's not run well and the people are not trained properly. If there is any ability at all to move him someplace closer to you, I'd consider it.


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