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anonymous1007204 Asked January 2020

Mother didn't protect her money, our name is on account. Do we need receipts if she has to live in nursing home?

I know the answer but Mom and family think I don't know what I'm talking about. Yes, we need receipts to prove where money was spent 5 yrs prior to her living in a nursing home whether or not our name is on the account. If not they also have the right to go through your personal accounts. It's not that much money but it belongs to the nursing home at that point. Mom laugh's saying they're going to do all that for this little amount of money. Please correct me if I'm wrong... Thank you

JoAnn29 Jan 2020
In the 5 year look back Medicaid looks for large amts of money withdrawn. Irregularities. If the money was spent on Mom, then there should be no problem. The problem arises if she gave large amts as "gifts" to others. Your name on her accts is not the problem unless ur money was co-mingled. Then its trying to figure out whose deposits and withdrawls are whose.

Mom will have to spend down to the 2k u mentioned. (If that is the cap in ur State)

With my Mom, they took 5 years and pulled out 4 a year. Moms bank included small copies of ea check so they saw where money was spent.

rocketjcat Jan 2020
Yes, if you need to apply for Medicaid in most states there is a 5 year look back to make sure assets were not hidden or given away. They will want to see 5 years of bank statements, and want explanations for large withdrawals. In my case I believe it was checks written or withdrawals greater than $1000. So I didn’t need to provide all “receipts” per se. You say “our name is on account” do you mean she added your name to her account (her income/bills) for convenience, or you added her name to your account (your income/bills)? If you’ve kept your fund separate, and only added names, this should be easy, but if you’ve actually co-mingled money in the accounts it’s going to be a lot tougher to sort out who’s who. My Mom added my name to her accounts so I could write checks etc for her, but we didn’t merge funds. Medicaid never asked for any of my financial information, if that’s why you’re asking about “personal accounts”
If you go on your state’s Medicaid website you’ll be able to read the rules and look at the application which may make it easier to understand what documentation you will need to provide.


gladimhere Jan 2020
If she owns a home, Medicaid will likely place a lien on the house to pay for her care. If the home is rented out, it must be at market rates. If sold, also for market price.

What do you mean she didn't protect her money? What happened?

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2020
Laura , your question is a bit unclear.

Is your mother applying for Nursing Home Medicaid?

When you say "our names are on her account" do you mean that your mom gifted you money or do you mean that you are a co- signer on her account?

There is a 5 year look back when you apply for Medicaid. Your mother will need to show how her monies have been spent for the last 5 years.

You are correct that in most states, you are allowed to keep $2000 in assets; also she will have a personal needs allowance each month that she can spend as she pleases. Her home and one vehicle are "exempt assets" and don't count.

anonymous1007204 Jan 2020
Oh forgot to say I believe Mom would be aloud to keep $2000 of her money

anonymous1007204 Jan 2020
Oh I forgot to say I believe she's aloud to keep $2000 of her money.


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