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elexushamm Asked January 2020

I am looking to find places in my area that would donate a stairlift for the ministry I attend.

There're many elderly and disabled people in my ministry that cannot continue to addend as they wish due to the inaccessibility of the church. It's an older building with steps inside and outside of the building. We have gotten an estimate of $27,000 to add a stairlift but that is completely out of our current budget. Does anyone know how we could find any assistance or help?

JoAnn29 Jan 2020
You may try the company and see if they will donate. Check with your County Disabilities Dept to see if there are grants available.

Problem with someone donating a used one, they are built for a certain stairway.

freqflyer Jan 2020
elexushamm, check with your County agency on aging to see if they have any ideas.

Please note, not all elders like to use a stairlift. Example, my Dad would use one in a heartbeat, but my Mom would be afraid of it. Thus, there would still be elderly and disabled people in your church who couldn't attend because they wouldn't use a stairlift.



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