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acegoldie01 Asked January 2020

Is there medication for male 97 for frequent urination?

Causes frequent at night urination.

AlvaDeer Jan 2020
Do see the urologist. There are medications for frequent urination, though nocturia (getting up at night) is a normal part of the plumbing in the aging process. Also urgency. Also know that salt intake can really profoundly affect how frequently one gets up at night. The more salt intake the more frequency at night.

gladimhere Jan 2020
Has he seen a urologist? Are there prostate issues? At his age I would think a doc would be hesitant to prescribe or do surgery.


Countrymouse Jan 2020
There are such medications, but I expect a 97 year old's doctor would hesitate to prescribe them as a first step.

Is this a recent change in your father's normal routine? What investigations have been done?


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