My mother in law and I each recieved a copy of the adult function report to fill out. She filled out that she was still able to do everything, even though she can't. I'm not sure what to do. She needs the disability, especially the insurance, but I'm afraid that they won't give it to her because she marked that she was fully capable. She didn't answer any of the explanations sensibly, though. On one, she wrote "help me with assist me for". Will they take that into consideration when they look at her checkboxes? I had to walk through the whole packet with her, read it to her and explain it to her. I didn't answer any questions for her, though. I noted that on her form, but am still unsure. Any advice? She really does believe she is capable, but can't even get herself place settings anymore. Physically, she is mostly fine, but cognitively she just can't anymore.
5 Answers
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I would not send in what MIL did. I would fill it out as her representative.
If any problem, then they will call you. Keep a copy.
What is her age, and disability?
You may need a doctor or specialist to document the report.
Are both forms for your mil? Or are you disabled also?
Some people photocopy the blank form in case they make a mistake.
If you are her POA, or Representative Payee for SSDI, or SSD, you would be filling out the form for her, indicating at the signature you are Rep Payee for
(your mil's name). Keep a copy. In this case, only one form may be needed,
filled out by you.
If mil is going to fill out her own form, make sure you sign at the bottom also indicating you are the person assisting her to fill out the form. If she is way off base about her abilities, and reports "I am fine", this can be called "confabulation" or something else the medical professionals call it. Anosognia?
You say she has a loss of cognitive function. Focus on that.
I sent you a link to a website that may help you. I have not verified it's accuracy.
It is not unusual to have a case worker come to your home and make an assessment of her needs. This person can assist with filling out the form.
You can call the person requesting the form, get an extension of time, saying you need help to fill out the form; and it is causing you too much stress, making you sick just now. You can say you do not have any idea what ADL's are, for example. If you call, you need to be honest, no need to fake hoarseness, weakness, or whatever to prove you are having a difficult time. Behave as normal as possible.
Some people have an invisible disability, and look perfectly fine most of the time. But the public can judge disabled persons if they do not limp from their car, for example. There is no shame being disabled!
The doctors will explain that they need to put down how the patient is when at their worst. There are social workers at Senior Centers (Supportive Services Dept.) that can help you with the form. The unsuspecting disabled person has no idea. There needs to be an ongoing journal consistently, detailing the symptoms, inability to fully function, over a period of time. It will say what you had described to her doctors when you were explaining the disability. Do not depend upon pulling out these details in a rush at the last minute, from memory.
Do a little each day until the form is complete, and mail it in within the time allotted. Everyone experiences some kind of dread filling these things out for the government.
I leave you with this:
What can be done with paper, can be undone with more paper!
Try your best, then if necessary, there are appeals. (More paper).