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momthompson Asked February 2020

Assisted living cans and can'ts?

Can an assisted living facility force the child of an elderly person to live with the elderly because the facility "cannot handle" the elderly? There is no violence, just over use of phone and anxiety regarding medications. We are in the process of getting her moved to a memory care facility, but the process is slow.

mally1 Feb 2020
What about meds for anxiety and take phone? Maybe give her a toy phone; I think there are some you can talk to and get a recorded message...

JoAnn29 Feb 2020
You need to understand that ALs are not required to have the ratio of aides to patients. So they have no one to constantly be watching over a resident. Its not a skilled facility. Its for people who need some assistance. My DHs Aunt was in AL and started falling all the time. The had her sister hire a sitter.
momthompson Feb 2020
She was prescribed an antidepressant type of medication that the last I heard had not been filled because the pharmacy was out. She has also been prescribed a new sleeping pill that is supposed to help with anxiety that the facility has not given it to her because they have not received doctors orders yet to the best of my knowledge.


lealonnie1 Feb 2020
No, but they can ask your mother to leave their facility if they cannot handle her. Yesterday, you asked about excessive use of the phone and dialing 911 and received some great responses.

You can always hire a sitter from an Agency to come sit with your mother until she's placed in the new MC facility.

Good luck!
momthompson Feb 2020
Im sorry for repeating the question. Im just overly stressed about this situation. Shes only been in the facility since December '19. They did an assessment prior to move in and she had to have her doctor fill out a lot of paper work to get her into the facility. No one told us that anything about what she could or could not do at the facility. My husband took her phone yesterday, and last night she decided to try to walk away from the facility. They wound up calling the police, who informed us this was not the first time she tried walking away. We hadnt heard anything prior to that about this newest issue. She has her assessment for the memory care today, so hopefully I will no longer need to ask questions. Ive never had to deal with any type of facility. Both of my grandmothers were in full control until the day they died. And I was too young to worry about this for my grandfathers.
FloridaDD Feb 2020
No, they cannot require that.   They can start an eviction process, but it takes time.  Is the memory unit part of that same ALF?
momthompson Feb 2020
No it's a different facility that she has been in before. They are very familiar with her and her antics. So we are hoping and praying that they will accept her.
cwillie Feb 2020
They can't force you to live with her but they can require that she be supervised, either by family or by paid attendants, although I would try to negotiate whether or not it needs to be 24/7. IMO this is sometimes a tactic used to try to speed people out the door without formally evicting them.
momthompson Feb 2020
We have already informed them that we are working on finding her a new place as quickly as we can. There is no family here other than myself and my husband to try to take care of her. She doesnt have much money, so hiring a private nurse is out of her budget. She only has medicare and champva, which neither of which will cover nursing for her. We dont even have medical POA for her.


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