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MsVicki1 Asked February 2020

Visited my mom. She had poured Javex all over her bed saying she saw bugs? Absolutely not possible. Is this dementia starting?

rocketjcat Feb 2020
I would take her to the ER. Also have a blood test for dehydration. Mom occasional dehydration had similar symptoms as UTI.

lealonnie1 Feb 2020
It can also be an eye issue...........macular degeneration had my mother seeing things that weren't there, too. Like constant raining outside her window, for example. So maybe have her eyes tested also. You do, however, say in your profile that your mother suffers from Alzheimer's/dementia. If so, it's probably a manifestation of that disease. Run it by her PCP to see if thinks a medication may help her.

Good luck!


freqflyer Feb 2020
MsVicki, I agree with JoAnn's posting. I remember when my Dad was seeing ants on the wall and in his food. Sure enough, it was an Urinary Tract Infection.

JoAnn29 Feb 2020
I would have her tested for a Urinary tract infection. If that is not it have her evaluated for Dementia.


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