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Mal0616 Asked February 2020

Has anyone experienced bleeding after a hysterectomy years ago and also have been thru menopause?

I woke up this morning to find blood in my panties and also was on toilet paper. It is bright red and has been going on all day. Not a lot just like spotting.

lablover64 Feb 2020
Could be a number of things but it's NEVER a bad idea to have it checked out by a medical professional. It could be something as simple as a Bartholin's cyst that ruptured or a bladder infection but may well be more serious.

JoAnn29 Feb 2020
Need to get to your gynecologist.


BarbBrooklyn Feb 2020
Call your doctor. Find out from her/him of you need to be seem immediately at an ER or if the office can get you in for an appointment quickly.

cwillie Feb 2020
We've just been through this with another poster, you might want to read what is written there:


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