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Alf1986 Asked February 2020

What can you do at assisted living if you hold financial POA and health care agent. Copies of documents were given to providers.

2 providers violated Financial POA and Health Care Agent in a living situation.
Had him sign a lease making him broke. Refused to involve me in lease also medical neglect. Refused to turn over medical documents, care plan, medical records and move him out when I discovered the medical neglect going on in the facility, tried to limit my communication with his Drs letter sent we are point of contact. After months of pleading.

He was diagnosed with Major Neuro Cognitive Disorder 2 yrs ago. They refused to read or understand that report that was provided to them over a year ago.

Alf1986 Feb 2020
No.... He had a diagnosis of Major Neuro Cognitive Disorder and lawyers said my POA was active the day he signed it 4yrs ago before his diagnosis. He's like a quad can't write etc now. It was revealed they hand over hand signed the lease and it doesn't exercise the medical neglect.

worriedinCali Feb 2020
POA doesn’t mean you have to be informed of anything and that the principle cannot make his own decisions.
unless he was declared incompetent, he’s still in charge and free to sign contracts.
Alf1986 Feb 2020
Wrong. It was drawn up to be active immediately. It went before a judge already. There are broad scope POA. Mine was to handle any and all financial transactions regardless competency.


Grandma1954 Feb 2020
Report to Adult Protective Services
You can also contact the attorney that drew up the documents for this person.
Alf1986 Feb 2020
Thats the issue a county SW is involved in this and knew full well his diagnosis and my POA. They refuse to charge anyone. I believe it's because the SW was involved.
Geaton777 Feb 2020
Perhaps they didn't seem to think he was mentally incapacitated? That's what the PoA is for, only when he can no longer make decisions in his own best interest. Some PoAs are written so you have to prove the incapacity. If this isn't the case it may be time to hire an elder law attorney who specializes in financial abuse so that you can recoup his monies. Sometimes just 1 letter on the attorney's letterhead is enough to get their full attention.
Alf1986 Feb 2020
Wrong. Mine was effective immediately and he had a Major Neuro Cognitive Disorder


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