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Nononanette56 Asked February 2020

Any tips on bedridden diaper changing and what type of garments to put on them?

Jeane71 Feb 2020
There on amazon solnit 300 underpaid barrier pads that go on the bed or chair briefs for the bum, overnight ones, I would send a picture but doesn't seem to be a way. For any bum break down I use Medline remedy Calazine and goo it on, the only time he has ever had a break down was in the hospital I put it on everytime he goes to the bathroom,after showers it works

Midkid58 Feb 2020
Mom made Daddy 'gowns' out of a soft cotton and he had the whole back open (I think she actually used a hospital gown as a pattern) So he was 'covered' and maintained a level of dignity. Under him, until he was permanently catheterized, she kept several layers of CHUX pads. He was eating very little, so bowel cleanups were not fun, but not awful, either. He had a special hospital bed which inflated/deflated to decrease 'hotspots'.

He was able to use a urinal for a long time, for which we were all grateful. Changing the entire bed of a 190 lb man is daunting.

You tube does have a lot of info. We didn't have that 16 years ago--just a visiting nurse and common sense and a LOT of outside help.


NYDaughterInLaw Feb 2020
Your mother must be able to help turn herself while her diaper is being changed. If she cannot, then you will hurt yourself.

Since she is bedridden, perhaps get rid of the diaper altogether, and just use a disposable underpad. It's one less thing to buy and, in my opinion, more hygienic because she's not sitting in wetness. When you see the underpad is wet, you know it's time to clean her. If she insists on a "garment", put a towel between her legs. It will absorb pee, help keep the underpad cleaner longer and when it's wet you just put another towel in its place.

She needs to turn from one side to the other for you to be able to clean her, remove the old underpad and put the new one underneath. YouTube has plenty of instructional videos about changing a person whose bedridden.

Ahmijoy Feb 2020
My husband is bedridden and weighs over 300lbs. I can vouch for the fact that it’s not an easy job. He takes diuretics and I (affectionately) call him “Mr. Niagara Falls”. I can say that your laundry load will triple. He’s in a hospital bed and I use sheets just for him. No matter what you use, the smell of urine and feces never completely goes away. I use Walgreens brand Certainty adult briefs simply because yes, the mail order ones are better, but at $2 a piece is beyond our budget. If a home health aide is availability to you, have one come out and show you how to do it. They can recommend wipes and barrier creams and the right sort of cleansers to use.


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