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Rbuser1 Asked March 2020

Thought things were okay with me and Mom but this social distancing has caused a relational distancing. Anyone else?

Has anyone noticed their LO pulling back even more? The conversations we do have end in arguments, and her abruptly ending the call. Also, last time I visited she was back to critical mom talk. As in 'are you wearing a bra?' I just got up and left.
She has her meds, food and all her needs are met for social 'isolation' so I'm not concerned with that. She is able to drive to the store and get her own things like pull ups, etc.
I hope you all are taking care and are staying safe and healthy.

NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Stress causes strange reactions in some people. It’s common to see the best and worst in people. People pulling together and being helpful and people taking advantage of others.

I usually fall asleep moments after my head hits the pillow. Now, I find myself not being able to fall asleep and end up getting out of bed.

I think many of us feel a change of some sort.

Daughterof1930 Mar 2020
I think many people express hidden fear by lashing out and being critical. Or withdrawing and being sullen. I have a relative who’s now constantly sending out rude jokes and commentary about the virus. I think it’s to cover fear. At any rate, I hope you can resist the urge to argue, it’s fruitless and frustrating for you and doesn’t change her. As for the bra, I’d go with “no, I’m not wearing one, I’m finally free and loving it” 😉
Rbuser1 Mar 2020
That's a good come back.
I'm just disappointed because we really had made progress in getting along. But she is getting back to her true self.
thanks for the reply.



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