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Gnarley Asked March 2020

Placing patient during shelter in place?

As my father declines and my mom has increased difficulty in caring for him we've discussed placing him in a care facility or a board and care. With the Covid-19 pandemic I believe no one is accepting patients right now.

What does one do during this situation if the caregiver just can't do it any longer?

worriedinCali Mar 2020
The OP is in California and is correct they facilities are not taking new patients (except under certain circumstances). It will be very hard to place his father at this time. And the area on aging in OPs county is CLOSED because of COVID-19. They actually need to contact the Sonoma county department of social services.

Geaton777 Mar 2020
Daughter is correct -- don't make assumptions. This might be a helpful tool to search for places nearby. You will need to call each one for cost info as they don't usually publish that.
Also contact their local area's Council on Aging
Social Services (online see under Dept of Health and Human Services for their county)


Daughterof1930 Mar 2020
Have you checked to make sure no facility is accepting new residents? Perhaps your doctor or a social worker could be of help, or area agency on aging


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