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Mhillwt Asked April 2020

Coronavirus in Elderly - My mom got It.

My 88 year old mom contracted coronavirus on march 15 - she has heart failure, diabetes, hypertension and pain syndrome...the first week was a mild cough. I care for her 6 days per week. The 2nd week we both had low grade fevers body aches, etc. By the end of 2nd week mom was in distress one night and had to be taken to hospital. We are in NYC. It was just starting to get bad and we were still able to get ambulance to go to best hospital that has moms drs (now you are lucky if they take you to any of the public hospitals etc). After her fever broke and breathing regulated - and they gave her experimental antimalarial/zpac and antibiotic for uti - they sent her home via ambulance. My mom doesn't speak english (Italian) and I do all her medical stuff - hardest part was I was not allowed in ER or to visit during her hospital stay - she was in isolation and even the nurses wouldn't come in when she needed to pee ie they would say "we cant waste a mask for that". Mom has now been home for almost 2 weeks and needs 100% assistance. I'm in constant contact with her drs and every day something else. Yesterday bp was 200/85, the other day swollen ankles, day before that UTI. But I'm so grateful she is home. I was going to get an aide but I'm hesitant - I feel I want all this to go away first. She has Medicaid and qualifies but I feel at this point I might be the best aide....but I'm exhausted.....she is up and down all day and night to bathroom.

Isthisrealyreal Apr 2020
I am so happy to hear that she is recovering and at home.

I can't imagine how exhausted you are. Please remember to take care of you during this difficult time.

She is very blessed to have you.

AnnReid Apr 2020
However difficult it may be to realize. those of us who are actually DEALING with frail elderly LOs who are already testing positive for the virus MAY be part of a group who would REALLY prefer to talk about how to make our LOs comfortable and content, and NOT about our opinions, whatever they may be.

mhillwt, I’m SO grateful for your report. I haven’t seen LO in over 3 weeks, and she was just diagnosed. Hoping your mom’s health continues to improve!!


Beatty Apr 2020
Mhillwt, I hope that the worst is over & now your Mother is getting stronger & you are getting more rest.

Thankyou for sharing. Athough we are strangers here on this forum, & going through different things, the stories help us to connect. We are all in this.
Mhillwt Apr 2020
she is still feeling awful but her vitals etc are ok - i think it just knocked her out ie its like mono in a way for her - extreme fatigue and now anxiety about not feeling up with her 7-10 times during night to take her to bathroom to spit phlegm and pee.
elaine1962 Apr 2020
Why do people have to argue on here and point fingers at everybody? Don’t we have free speech and able to say what we want?

Mhillwt Apr 2020
Thank you it’s been 2.5 weeks + since onset so not sure if one can remain positive for weeks or months at a time?
lilhelp Apr 2020
Mhillwt, if you like music, listen to some to help your spirits & your Mom's. Music is a powerful medicine, and so is laughter.  Find laughter wherever it may be for you and her. Time passes more quickly when we laugh and when we smile. With you, lil
Arwen31 Apr 2020
Hi Mhillwt,

I'm so sorry you are both going through this. You have all the reasons to be exhausted, it must be very, very hard, on all levels.

Perhaps you could ask your doctor an advice on how to get some help? what would be the correct procedure I mean, as I imagine any helper would need a protocol to be safe and to know if you are both positive to the Virus etc. I think that some help could really give you some respite and some quality time with your mom.

It would be a good thing if you can be tested too, since you had had both fever, that would actually be great if you both had the virus already; you are both home, and have been for 2 weeks, you have both survived what many people didn't survive, it means that you are both very strong and that you will be immune when you'll finally be able to go out!

I'm in Milan, in Italy; we think of NYC as our twin city, we are thinking of you every day. I watched your governor's video today, it was so moving.
NY is tough, you will all make it!

A special hug
Mhillwt Apr 2020
I’m Italian ie dual citizen .. moms whole family lives in Italy .. Milan and nyc are heartbreaking these days
GardenArtist Apr 2020
Mhillwt, I am so sorry to learn of this challenging, frustrating and of course frightening situation.    I hope both you and your mother are able to successfully battle it and eventually put it behind you, recognizing that your strengths and support are primary factors.

Best wishes for a more peaceful, restful, but safe recovery!
Mhillwt Apr 2020
thank you...its a rough recovery at home when you are 88.....hopefully in time she will regain strength
Countrymouse Apr 2020
If you can get an aide, I should - ask advice first about whether your mother is (or you are!) likely to be infectious, but then go for it.

Thank you SO much for sharing this extremely good news, and may her recovery continue well. And take care of you, too!
Mhillwt Apr 2020
recovery is very slow - extreme fatigue continues at almost 3.5 weeks post infection - it might have aggravated her other conditions ie heart one really knows how long you are infectious and they dont retest to see if you are negative - at least not in nyc
PowerOf3 Apr 2020
Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s helpful knowing someone her age and with other complications can get better. I am in hopes she continues to make a full recovery. And of course suggestions of caring and protecting yourself is of utmost importance as you are the most important part of her care!
Mhillwt Apr 2020
i hope so - she made it out of hospital but recovery at home is slow ie extreme fatigue now 3.5 weeks....perhaps aggravation of her other medical issues ie heart failure, etc
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I am so very sorry to hear this. How is your mom? How are you?

97yroldmom Apr 2020
Thank you for your post. So if your mom is no longer contagious then I would second your getting an aide. You could stay with her if it causes anxiety but let the aide carry the load. In a day or two you might be able to relax a bit.
So were you tested? Told to quarantine? It’s so good to hear from a survivor (or two!!)
Come back and let us hear how you and mom are doing. I hope there is some rest and relaxation in your future. Hugs to you both.
Mhillwt Apr 2020
no one knows for sure when contagion ends without retesting and they arent retesting in nyc....i quarantined for 2 weeks...moms been in for over 1 month sick...she continues to have extreme fatigue.
Mhillwt Apr 2020
I believe I had a milder version but if I didn’t I would have had the most intense version by now since I’ve been caring directly for mom during this for 3+ weeks

cwillie Apr 2020
If an aide is willing and able to come go ahead and do that - there is nothing more to worry about for you and your mother and YOU need to keep strong and hopefully healthy in order to care for her.

Geaton777 Apr 2020
Mhillwt, wow! I'm sorry for you mom's illness but happy and hopeful to hear the anti-malaria/zpac combo worked for her. So much for the deranged media who said the president didn't know what he was talking about. Yours is the 2nd first-hand story on this forum that've I've read where that treatment verifiably worked. And, just gotta say this granddaughter of Italian immigrants is glad to read another survival story from the "hardy stock" from the old country. Not sure what is going on with the virus in Italy but maybe sub-par healthcare and too much smoking...? I wish you both all the best going forward!
Lizzyvoo Apr 2020
Please don't post your politics on this site.
Sticking up for Trump (2 cases of the malaria drugs working does not a case make) calling the media deranged (how would we know what is going on without them, watch the BBC for a more worldwide view) and then saying that the Italians in Italy have somehow done something wrong (sub-par health! Hello! US is turning people away from hospitals without insurance) or their smoking habits (I don't know too many Nona's who smoke). In some areas of Italy they went into lockdown quickly (Vo Euganeo which has zero cases of Covid 19) and in other areas they missed the window, they went into lockdown too late.
Regardless, post your political opinions somewhere else.
lilhelp Apr 2020
Oh no, I'm so sorry.

Do they say the coronavirus is gone? or she's still fighting it with medications?

You need help, and to be safe.  Please, find help so you don't get broken down further.

You don't think you got it, too?  I'm praying for her & you.

Mhillwt Apr 2020
They released her from hospital while she was still symptomatic ie positive and bring in nyc they will not retest ie they release you once you have no fever or need ventilator so I will never know when she converts to negative


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