I live in Northern California and my father lives 500+ miles away in Southern California. Dad was hospitalized in February and we discovered he has acute renal failure and prostate cancer, among other issues. He was released to skilled nursing at the beginning of March and I haven't been able to see him since Mid-March because of the lockdown for Coronavirus. He had a catheter at the hospital and was told he would have it for the rest of his life, but it was removed at the SNF. They said it is an infection risk and they are monitoring his urine output. He has what appears to be painful or urgent urination and uses a handheld urinal and wear Depends also as a backup. He has been off and on an IV for hydration and on oxygen for shortness of breath. He has been having labs taken and he now has a level of anemia that would be considered for a blood transfusion, which would be futile. They want to move him into hospice care.
Would it be wise/unwise to move my father here for hospice? My concern is that it is a long distance for him to travel here, even using a medical transport, and there is the threat of Coronavirus due to a member of my household who works in the health care field.
Also, can you be given oxygen during hospice?
4 Answers
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And while the level of care is higher on Hospice, and there is another "set of eyes" watching and caring for someone at this time many Facilities are not even letting Hospice Nurses into the facility, they are using their staff to do the required medical check. And there is a good possibility that many of the CNA's are not allowed in either. If that is the case where you are/where he is bottom line is he would get better care in your home. If he were to go to a Facility near you he would get the same care he is currently getting (unless you happen to live in an area that is not quite as hard hit and the restrictions are not as strict. (although that might change)
In your home you could isolate your dad in a room that you have cleaned and sanitized. He would have to have a bathroom that only he would use. And you would have to follow strict protocol and this is a big AND...there is still no guarantee that your dad would not become infected from..where he is now, from the people transporting him to where you are, another household member. If that were to happen getting any type of flu now would probably kill him and this one in particular. That said there is no guarantee that he will not become infected where he is now.
There are no guarantees in life. Your dad is closer to the end of his life. The question is do you want to take the chance that he will be safe in your home or closer to you. If he gets contracts the virus where he is now or closer to you the result will be the same. I am sure you will feel guilt either way. (and in my opinion guilt is a feeling/emotion that WE give ourselves someone else can not "make" you feel guilty) So do what you think is right for you. And ask your dad what he wants. (almost forgot about that important detail!)
I just got a first contact call from a hospice nurse that they would be releasing him today...yes today. Yet, I never heard ANYTHING from the nursing home ~ no one communicated with me at ALL! The hospice nurse was confirming my father's address and I told him no one was there ~ that his wife has dementia and is living in Central California with her daughter and I am 500 miles away. The hospice nurse had met with my dad and I believe my dad gave him all the information as he wants to get out of there. The hospice nurse is calling the doctor back so I believe I will be making arrangements to get him transported here. I can't believe it got that far with no one communicating with the family!
If you have medical POA for him talk to the hospice coordinator and get him enrolled.
This is sure a difficult time for many. I appreciate having some clarify tonight on this issue ~ thank you again!
He may not survive the transport.
With his illnesses he is already immunocompromised. His red blood cell count is low as well. This is so sad but I would keep him there.
Logistics alone of getting any ambulance today to transport him to you are unlikely.
I am sorry about your father. I hope you find comfort.
Yes hospice provides oxygen.