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Saynow Asked April 2020

Clove tea is it solution to aging?

I am 29 yrs old if drink clove tea everyday is it enough to retard aging ?
It is a potent antioxidant

freqflyer Apr 2020
Saynow, if any type of herb or medicine is advertised to do wonders, and it HASN'T made major headline news, you are wasting your money.

polarbear Apr 2020
hi there - clove tea is not effective, My Fountain of Youth elixir is truly a miracle. I sell them in 2 oz. bottles. Just a few drops a day will roll back the years.

I accept credit cards, cash, money order, jewelry, gold, silver, bitcoin, your first born, your last born, anything of value.

Let me know where you are and I will be in your neck of the wood in a blink of an eye.
cwillie Apr 2020


worriedinCali Apr 2020
Sorry but you are doomed just like the rest of us. You are going to get old. Your skin will wrinkle, your breasts will sag and your hair will turn grey. Happens to the best of us. Might as pull up a chair and join us for some cheesecake. there is no magic youth tea (or pill) so don’t waste your money.
Riverdale Apr 2020
Fortunately I don't care for cheesecake but there's been plenty of other items I have pulled my chair up to. Trying to keep it within control but it is impossible to restrict all I should during these times.
Saynow Apr 2020
Hi there
Any one can answer this ?


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