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Mg6742 Asked April 2020

What happens if a person in AL is close to end of life? Can loved ones visit in this Covid 19 crisis?

worriedinCali Apr 2020
It’s entirely dependent on the facility. Some are not allowing anyone to visit even at the end of life.

peace416 Apr 2020
Three weeks ago, my cousins were able to visit their mother when she was actively dying in hospice (NY state). They were there (along with their spouses and adult grandson) when she passed.


elaine1962 Apr 2020
I’m sure it depends on the state you live in. No visitors in the state of New York but I don’t know about if they are at end of life. Probably depends on the hospital and then it will be a case by case situation.

AlvaDeer Apr 2020
Often the only way to visit is because it is truly an end of life situation, and if covid IS involved you will NOT be allowed to visit by anything but phone. This of course depends on your state rules and facility rules now.

Daughterof1930 Apr 2020
We actually have long time family friends in this situation right now. The person’s death is expected within a day or two. The immediate family is being allowed to visit.


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