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SJ1993 Asked April 2020

Can I work part-time as a caregiver, while being on Social Security Disability myself? I am Disabled (Mentally) but receive SSI.

I would like to know would the State allow me to work part time, while still receiving my disability benefits, I can only work so many hours.... so why not use those hours I can work for and help my Spouse? (not legally married)

JoAnn29 Apr 2020
My nephew is on SS disability, receives Medicare and Medicaid. He works at the ARC which is a workshop for challenged people. According to a call to SS he is allowed to make 14k a year from working. Medicaid he is "workability" which allows more. But to keep his SSD he has to stay with in their guidelines.

You need to call your local Social Security Office to see what they allow. And if receiving Medicaid, call ur caseworker.

Who is going to pay you to be a caregiver?

Daughterof1930 Apr 2020
SSI is different than disability. SSI is for people in very low income situations and not based on having earned work credits. With SSI if you can work you’ll not receive benefits. With SS Disability, where you’ve gone through the process of being approved based on a defined disability, and have the required number of previous work credits, you can work a limited number of hours. The pay must stay within a limit that is set yearly by the SS department. It’s available on their website


97yroldmom Apr 2020
I see it’s your partner/husband you want to be a caregiver for in Oregon.
Are you already his unpaid caregiver?
What qualifies a person to care for your partner? Do you meet those qualifications?
Do you need to be a CNA (certified nurse assistant)?
There is a monthly income limit you can earn. So I would say you should check your qualifications with your partners contacts and then see if the salary is within what’s allowed for you to earn.

Sendhelp Apr 2020
Who would you be caregiving? And where? At home?

How will you maintain your own health, if disabled?

For advice, can you clarify what benefits you are receiving?
SS Social Security Retirement
SSDI Social Security Disability
SSI, which is Supplemental Income, for low income.

If you just have SSI, and can work, you would lose your benefits by working, your income would increase and you would no longer qualify for SSI, as well as it would interfere with your benefits from Medi-Cal, (if in California).

From what I understand, if you are receiving SSDI, you can work and earn a limited income. However, any changes in your income, ability to work even part time, will change benefits, such as Medi-Cal.

Check with your Social Security office for the facts.

And, check with your doctor. Working outside the home, for someone not your family may be good for your health, if it is in a less stressful job. Volunteering helps too.


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